curl examples


Welcome to API. This API provide an opportunity to access cryptocurrency exchange and sale transactions. This guide provides examples of queries for various purposes:

You can use any means to create API requests. In this guide, curl-based queries will be given as examples.

Curencies and pay methods

At the moment, you can make exchange transactions in the following currencies 'USD','EUR' and crypto currencies 'BTC','ETH','LTC'. Enter the appropriate currency codes in the fields 'from', 'to'. You can specify the following values as a payment method: 'card', 'bank', 'skrill', 'neteller'. Explanation in the table below.

Value Description
1 card Use a bank card to pay for the transaction (visa, mastercard, etc.)
2 bank Use bank transfer to pay for the transaction (SEPA)
3 skrill Use Skrill Money Transfer to pay for the transaction
4 neteller Use Neteller pay system to pay for the transactions

Request Description

Request data exchange takes place in json format. So you must prepare the incoming data accordingly, and also decrypt the response. Successful requests accepted by our system lead to the creation of transactions or their status changes. Description of transaction statuses is given in the corresponding paragraph

Method process

Using requests to the process method you can create cryptocurrency exchange transactions. For security reasons, the heading Sign should be added to the request method header. See the Signature creation section.

The type of operation must be specified in request parameter type. The type parameter can take such values: merchant, exchange,token,direct.

The remaining request parameters depend on the type of transaction you are creating.

Parameters for the request type = 'merchant':

Example of process request type = 'merchant'

curl '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Sign: a70e6e5388f23ff6a6da503a82807f3b' \
  --data {
    "type" : "merchant",
    "project_id" : <your project id>,
    "amount" : 200,
    "currency" : "EUR",
    "crypto_currency" : "BTC",
    "order_number" : 24,
    "description" : "Order Payment #24",
    "autoredirect": 1,
    "success_url": "<transaction_success_url>",
    "fail_url": "<transaction_fail_url>",
    "date" : "01-06-2020 20:39:32"} \ 
Parameter name Type Description
1 project_id int ID of your project in our system
2 amount float Request amount
3 currency string Currency code
4 crypto_currency string Cryptocurrency code
5 order_number int The order number in your store (must be unique for a specific project)
6 description string Payment Description
7 autoredirect int Can take values 0 or 1. Enables automatic redirect
8 success_url string URL redirect address for transactions in success status
9 fail_url string URL redirect address for transactions in fail status
10 date string Order date in date format ('d-m-Y H: i: s')

The method returns a response also in json format. Description of the response for a successful outcome:

Response example

 "wallet": <your wallet>,
 "qrcode_url": "<YOUR_API_URL>",
Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool True if the request succeeds.
2 id int Transaction ID in our system
3 wallet string Your wallet
4 amount float Cryptocurrency Amount
5 currency int Cryptocurrency identifier in our system
6 currency_name string Cryptocurrency code
7 request_currency int Currency identifier in our system
8 request_currency_name string Currency code
9 fee float Amount of commission (in cryptocurrency)
10 qrcode_url string QR code URL
11 checkout_url string Payment URL
12 test bool Sign of a test order. If true, the order is test.

In case of a negative result, responce will be as follows:

Negative response example

 "message":"Wrong input data",
Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool Accepts false if errors occurred during execution.
2 error int Error Code (optional)
3 message string Error message

Description request type='exchange':

Request type='exchange' example

curl '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Sign: a70e6e5388f23ff6a6da503a82807f3b' \
  --data {
    "wallet":<your wallet>,
    "autoredirect": 1,
    "success_url": "<transaction_success_url>",
    "fail_url": "<transaction_fail_url>",
    "partner_id":<your ID> } \ 
Parameter name Type Description
1 partner_id int Partner ID in our system (required)
2 wallet string Wallet to send cryptocurrency (optional)
3 email string Customer Email (optional)
4 method int ID of the payment method in our system (required)
5 from int Currency code (required)
6 to int Cryptocurrency code (required)
7 amount float Transaction Amount (in EUR or USD, required)
9 autoredirect int Can take values 0 or 1. Enables automatic redirect
10 success_url string URL redirect address for transactions in success status
11 fail_url string URL redirect address for transactions in fail status
12 test bool Sign of a test order. If true, the order is test.

The method returns a response also in json format. Description of the response for a successful outcome:

Successfull response type='exchange' example

        "request_id":<request ID>,
        "partner_id":<your ID>,
        "user_id":<user's ID>,
        "wallet":<your wallet>,
    “request_url”: "<your API URL>/<your ID>/<request ID>/",
Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool Accepts true if the request succeeds.
2 exchange_data array array with exchange data
3 id int Transaction ID of your exchange in our system
4 request_id string ID of your exchange request in our system
5 partner_id int Your partner ID in our system
6 user_id int Customer ID in our system
7 method int ID of the payment method in our system
8 from int Currency identifier in our system
9 to int Cryptocurrency identifier in our system
10 from_name string Currency code
11 to_name string Cryptocurrency code
12 method_name string Name of the payment method in our system
13 sum float Transaction Amount (in EUR or USD)
14 wallet string Wallet to send cryptocurrency
15 request_url string Request URL

The structure of the negative response is identical to that described above.

Description request type='token':

Request type='token' example

curl '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Sign: a70e6e5388f23ff6a6da503a82807f3b' \
  --data {
    "partner_id" : "<your partner id>", 
    "amount" : 200, 
    "pay_type" : "card", 
    "from" : "EUR", 
    "email" : "<user email here>" 
    "wallet" : "<your wallet here>", 
    "autoredirect": 1,
    "success_url": "<transaction_success_url>",
    "fail_url": "<transaction_fail_url>",
    "lang_code" : "en" } \
Parameter name Type Description
1 partner_id int Your partner ID in our system
2 amount float Request amount
3 pay_type string Optional parameter, values "card" or "bank". The default is "card"
4 from int Currency code
5 email string User email
6 wallet string User wallet
7 lang_code string Language code in ISO format (en,ru,lv,ee)
8 autoredirect int Can take values 0 or 1. Enables automatic redirect
9 success_url string URL redirect address for transactions in success status
10 fail_url string URL redirect address for transactions in fail status

The method returns a response also in json format. Description of the response for a successful outcome:

Successfull response type='token' example

    result: true 
    request_url: "<your API URL>/<your partner ID>/<request ID>/",
        "created":"2020-08-05 14:01:46",
        "tkn_name":"<name of token>",
        "tkn_price":"<token price>",
        "wallet":"your wallet here",
        "order_url":"\/<request ID>\/",
Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool Accepts true if the request succeeds.
2 token_data array array with exchange data
3 id int Transaction ID of your token exchange in our system
4 request_id string ID of your exchange request in our system
5 partner_id int Your partner ID in our system
6 user_id int Customer ID in our system
7 created date Date of creating token transaction
8 tkn_name string Name of your token
9 tkn_price float Token price
10 sum float Transaction Amount (in EUR or USD)
11 method int ID of the payment method in our system
12 tkn_sum float Number of tokens to be purchased
13 from int Currency identifier in our system
14 to int Currency identifier in our system
14 from_name string Currency code
14 to_name string Currency code
14 method_name string Pay method name in our system
15 wallet string Wallet to send cryptocurrency
16 status int Transaction status. See the description of transaction statuses in the corresponding paragraph
17 order_url string Order URL
18 test bool Sign of a test order. If true, the order is test.

In case of a negative result, responce will be as follows:

Negative response example

 "message":"Wrong input data",
Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool Accepts false if errors occurred during execution.
2 error int Error Code (optional)
3 message string Error message

Description request type='direct':

This type of request allows you to create transactions not only for the purchase but also for the sale of cryptocurrency. In both cases, the structure of requests is identical, only currencies and amounts are swapped.

Request type='direct' buy example

curl '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Sign: a70e6e5388f23ff6a6da503a82807f3b' \
  --data {
    "partner_id":<your ID>, 
    "wallet":<your wallet>,
    "autoredirect": 1,
    "success_url": "<transaction_success_url>",
    "fail_url": "<transaction_fail_url>"} \
Parameter name Type Description
1 partner_id int Partner ID in our system (required)
2 wallet string Wallet to send cryptocurrency (required, only for buy)
3 from int Currency code (required)
4 to int Cryptocurrency code (required)
5 amount float Transaction Amount (in EUR or USD)
6 receive float Transaction reciving sum (in crypto currency)
7 autoredirect int Can take values 0 or 1. Enables automatic redirect
8 success_url string URL redirect address for transactions in success status
9 fail_url string URL redirect address for transactions in fail status

Request type='direct' sale example

curl '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Sign: a70e6e5388f23ff6a6da503a82807f3b' \
  --data {
    "partner_id":<your ID>, 
    "autoredirect": 1,
    "success_url": "<transaction_success_url>",
    "fail_url": "<transaction_fail_url>"} \
Parameter name Type Description
1 partner_id int Partner ID in our system (required)
2 from int Currency code (required)
3 to int Cryptocurrency code (required)
4 amount float Transaction Amount (in crypto currency)
5 receive float Transaction reciving sum (in EUR or USD)
6 autoredirect int Can take values 0 or 1. Enables automatic redirect
7 success_url string URL redirect address for transactions in success status
8 fail_url string URL redirect address for transactions in fail status

To successfully create a transaction, you must specify one of the fields 'amount' or 'receive', if both are specified, priority will be given to 'amount'. if both are not transmitted or equal to zero you will get an error.

The method returns a response also in json format. Description of the response for a successful outcome:

Successfull response type='direct' example

        "metod_name":"Bank transfer(SEPA)",
        "reserv":"100000.00 EUR",
Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool Accepts true if the request succeeds.
2 exchange_id int ID of new exchange transaction in our system
3 qrcode_url string QRcode URL on our server (only for sell transaction)
4 data array array with exchange and comissions data:
float sum_from - transaction Amount
float sum_with_com - transaction Amount minus comissions
float com_valut_from - sum of valut from comission
float pay_methods_com - comission of pay method (%)
float sum_pay_methods_com - sum comission of pay method
float our_com - comission of transcoin (%)
float sum_our_com - sum comission of transcoin
string valut_from - valut from name
string metod_name - pay method name
float rate - exchange rate
float sum_to - amount you will receive after the exchange
float sum_to_with_com - amount you will receive after the exchange minus commission
float com_valut_to - sum of valut to comission
string valut_to - valut to name
float reserv - the amount in the output currency held in reserve
int pay_method_min - minimum transaction amount (in EUR)
int pay_method_max - maximum transaction amount (in EUR)
int pay_method_lim_day - daily limit amount (in EUR)
int pay_method_lim_month - monthly limit amount (in EUR)
int pay_method_lim_day_count - transaction limit per day

The structure of the negative response is identical to that described above.

Method merchant

Example of merchant method

curl '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Sign: a70e6e5388f23ff6a6da503a82807f3b' \
  --data {
    "project_id" : <your project id>,
    "transaction_id" : <transaction ID>} \ 

The method allows you to track the statuses of transactions. This method require your project_id and transaction_id as input data and returns response a string in json format.

Parameter name Type Description
1 project_id int ID of your project in our system (required)
2 transaction_id int ID of transaction to track status (required)

Response of merchant method example

Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool Accepts true if the request succeeds.
2 data array Array with response data. Such structure
3 id int ID of transaction
4 status string Transaction status. See the description of transaction statuses in the corresponding paragraph
5 test bool Sign of a test order. If true, the order is test.

If the result is negative, the method will return a responce with the following structure:

Negative response example

 "message":"Wrong input data",
Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool Accepts false if errors occurred during execution.
2 error int Error Code (optional)
3 message string Error message

Method exchange

Example of exchange method

curl '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Sign: a70e6e5388f23ff6a6da503a82807f3b' \
  --data {
    "partner_id" : <your ID>,
    "exchange_id" : <exchange ID>} \ 

Almost completely similar to the merchant method except for the input data. Also allows you to track the statuses of exchange transactions. This method require your partner_id and exchange_id as input data and returns response a string in json format.

Parameter name Type Description
1 partner_id int Your ID in our system (required)
2 exchange_id int ID of exchange to track status (required)

Response of exchange method example

Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool Accepts true if the request succeeds.
2 data array Array with response data. Such structure
3 id int ID of exchange
4 status string Transaction status. See the description of transaction statuses in the corresponding paragraph
5 test bool Sign of a test order. If true, the order is test.

If the result is negative, the method will return a responce with the following structure:

Negative response example

 "message":"Wrong input data",
Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool Accepts false if errors occurred during execution.
2 error int Error Code (optional)
3 message string Error message

Method getCalcData

Request getCalcData example

curl '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data { "partner_id":<your ID> } \ 

Method provides data for the preliminary calculation of the transaction (payment amounts and commissions). This method require your partner_id as input data and returns response a string in json format.

Method response returns a fairly large array of data:

Responce getCalcData example

            "name":"Bank Card",
        "metod_name":"Bank Card",
        "minmax":"50 - 3000",
Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool Always true.
2 buy_payment_methods array Array with data of payment methods.
An array has the following element structure:
id - method identifier in our system;
name - name of the method;
com - method commission amount;
our_com - amount of the transaction fee to transcoin;
min - the minimum transaction amount;
lim - maximum transaction amount;
enable_mes - whether the method is allowed;
lim_day - limit the amount of payments per day;
lim_month - monthly payment limit;
lim_count - limit transactions count per day;
3 sell_payment_methods array Completely similar to buy_payment_methods
4 valuts array An array of currencies. An array has the following element structure:
id - currency identifier in our system;
name - currency name;
com - commission for operations in this currency;
number_format - the number of digits after the decimal point;
reserv - available quantity of cryptocurrency;
5 crypto_valuts array An array of cryptocurrencies. The structure is similar to the structure of valuts

Method getCalcComissions

The getCalcComissions method allows you to calculate transaction fees. Method expects as parameters json string with the following fields:

Request getCalcComissions example

curl '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data {"from":"EUR","to":"BTC","method":"skrill",,"amount":"200","partner_id":<your ID>}\
Parameter name Type Description
1 from int currency identifier in our system
2 to int cryptocurrency identifier in our system
3 method int method identifier in our system
4 amount float Transaction Amount (may be zero)
5 partner_id int Partner ID in our system (required)

You will receive the answer as follows:

Responce getCalcComissions example

{   "result":true,
        "minmax":"50 - 3000",
        "reserv":"74.81 BTC",
Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool true (in case of positive result)
2 data array Array with commission calculation data. The array has the following structure:
float sum_res_nocom - amount in cryptocurrency, excluding commission;
float sum - amount of commission;
float sum_res - the total amount in cryptocurrency;
int pay_methods_com - payment method commission (%);
int our_com - transaction fee;
float valut_com - conversion fee;
string metod_name - name of the payment method;
string minmax - a line of limits in the form “ - ”;
int min - the minimum transaction amount;
int max - maximum transaction amount;
float reserv - reserve cryptocurrency available.

If the result is negative, the method will return a responce with the following structure:

Negative response example

 "message":"Wrong input data",
Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool Accepts false if errors occurred during execution.
2 error int Error Code (optional)
3 message string Error message

Method calcDirectComissions

The calcDirectComissions method allows you to calculate direct exchange transaction fees. Requests are completely similar to requests of the 'process' method type 'direct'. The method calculates commissions for both buying and selling cryptocurrency. Method expects as parameters json string with the following fields:

Request calcDirectComissions example

curl '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Sign: a70e6e5388f23ff6a6da503a82807f3b' \
  --data {
    "partner_id":<your ID>, 
    "receive":"200" } \
Parameter name Type Description
1 partner_id int Partner ID in our system (required)
3 from int Currency identifier in our system (required)
4 to int Cryptocurrency identifier in our system (required)
5 amount float Transaction Amount (in EUR or USD)
6 receive float Transaction reciving sum (in crypto currency)

Fields 'amount' or 'receive' can be empty or omitted, if both are specified, priority will be given to 'amount'. As a result, you will receive a response similar to the response of method 'process' request type 'direct'

Successfull response type='direct' example

        "metod_name":"Bank transfer(SEPA)",
        "reserv":"100000.00 EUR",
Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool Accepts true if the request succeeds.
2 data array array with exchange and comissions data:
float sum_from - transaction Amount
float sum_with_com - transaction Amount minus comissions
float com_valut_from - sum of valut from comission
float pay_methods_com - comission of pay method (%)
float sum_pay_methods_com - sum comission of pay method
float our_com - comission of transcoin (%)
float sum_our_com - sum comission of transcoin
string valut_from - valut from name
string metod_name - pay method name
float rate - exchange rate
float sum_to - amount you will receive after the exchange
float sum_to_with_com - amount you will receive after the exchange minus commission
float com_valut_to - sum of valut to comission
string valut_to - valut to name
float reserv - the amount in the output currency held in reserve
int pay_method_min - minimum transaction amount (in EUR)
int pay_method_max - maximum transaction amount (in EUR)
int pay_method_lim_day - daily limit amount (in EUR)
int pay_method_lim_month - monthly limit amount (in EUR)
int pay_method_lim_day_count - transaction limit per day

The structure of the negative response is identical to that described above.

If the result is negative, the method will return a responce with the following structure:

Negative response example

 "message":"Wrong input data",
Parameter name Type Description
1 result bool Accepts false if errors occurred during execution.
2 error int Error Code (optional)
3 message string Error message

Transaction statuses

Any transaction in our system can be in 4 statuses: "new","pending","success","cancel". The table below provides a description of each status.

Status name Description
1 new All new transactions receive this status. No action has been taken on the transaction yet
2 pending Transaction receives this status after successful payment by user
3 success This status means that the transaction has been successfully completed
4 cancel Means that the transaction failed or was canceled by the user

Signature creation

For security reasons, the heading Sign should be added to the request method header. The sign is formed by receiving the MD5 hash of your API key and json request string:

sign = md5($json_request_raw.$your_api_key);

For merchant transaction you need your 'project api key', for exchange,token,direct transaction you need your 'partner api key'. You can find it in the settings section in our site.


To track status changes for your transactions, our system can send you a webhooks. To receive webhooks you need to fill in the fields callback on project settings page or api_url_post on your exchange partner settings page. You must enter there the full URL address to which the webhook will be sent. For example "". The fields contained in the webhook are described in the table below.

Request body structure example

Parameter name Type Description
1 id int Transaction ID in our system
2 status string Webhook status that informs you about changes in transaction status
3 type string Transaction type can take the following values: exchange,merchant
4 message string Optional. Change status message
5 wallet string Client's wallet to which / from which the cryptocurrency will be transferred
6 from string Currency for conversion (e.g. EUR,USD or BTC, ETH...)
7 to string Currency to be converted (e.g. EUR,USD or BTC, ETH...)
8 rate string Exchange rate
9 amount float Total amount that the client will receive (including commissions)
10 sum float Initial currency amount

Description of webhook statuses

Parameter name Description
1 pending The transaction has been paid and is awaiting confirmation
2 dial There was an actual purchase / sale of cryptocurrency
3 success Transaction successful (received confirmation, money sent)
4 failed Transaction canceled

Each web hook has a signature in the header. See the Signature creation section.